Meet me at Lillooet Medical Clinic!

107 8 Ave S, Lillooet, BC

By appointment only every other Tuesday.

Email is preferred for bookings:

FYI: I do travel nurse and I do home visits (for people that are not mobile enough to get to the clinic) and can trim fingernails as well.


About Me

My ``Why``

I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved feet. Some of my most rewarding moments as a RN have been after providing nursing foot care to folks in dire need of it and watching the look of happiness and awe on their face as they stare down at their feet that now look so vastly different and much healthier!

I went into nursing to help people be their healthiest selves. Boiled down, the business of nursing foot care is the business of preventing amputations and empowering people to have the knowledge and tools to improve and protect their own health.

I would like to acknowledge the traditional territories of the First Nations peoples within the interior region on whose land we live, work, collaborate and play and that my work place is within the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territory of the St’at’imc Nation.

I am delighted to offer patients in and around the community in Lillooet a proven, painless Health Canada approved and safe treatment option to treat toenail fungus. Introducing ToeFX, the only approved light therapy to treat toenail fungus.




My Goals For

The goal of Lillooet Foot Care Nursing is to provide safe and competent nursing foot care services to all people in need of the service, but especially to those affected by or at risk of diabetes and its complications. Clients will receive professional assessments and treatments, education, self-care resources, and referrals when needed. Many people in and around Lillooet don’t have the means to access this needed health care service and my goal is to reduce this barrier by providing mobile services.


Who Is The Client
I will be providing nursing foot care to whoever needs the service, but this service is especially important for those with diabetes.
elderly feet
ToeFx machine
I’m also offering bookings for treatment of onychomycosis (fungal infection on nails) using the Health Canada Approved ToeFX system.


Treatments & Pricing
Lillooet footcare (4)

Foot Care


How long does treatment take?

The first visit is 1 to 1.5 hours for a thorough assessment and treatment. All following visits for nail maintenance are about 45 minutes.

  • All ToeFX appointments are a minimum of 1 hour.
  • Onyfix: Approximately 15 minutes per toe.


  • $122 – Initial foot care assessment & treatment.
  • $82 – Follow up treatment (less than 6 months since last treatment).
  • $102/toe – Onyfix nail correction.
  • $15 – Fingernail trim add on to footcare.
  • $82 – No show < 24 hours cancellation notice.
  • $20 – Mileage rate for home visits within Lillooet (outside of Lillooet, milage will be calculated using the 2025 CRA mileage rate).
  • $31 – Consultation fee (5 to 30 minutes).
  • $725 – Flat rate day fee (up to 8 clients, includes mileage).

Now Offering

Onyfix is a Class 1 Medical Device that is applied to your nail at its widest part. As your nail grows, it will retrain your nail back into a natural position and shape. The whole process takes several months to complete but is completely painless during application and while wearing the Onyfix band. Instant relief can be achieved with Onyfix without having to resort to nail surgery. Onyfix is suitable for adults, children and diabetics.

How it Works


I will be providing nursing foot care to whoever needs the service, but this service is especially important for those with diabetes. I’m also offering bookings for treatment of onychomycosis (fungal infection on nails) using the Health Canada Approved ToeFX system.


Extended Health Benefits
Patients are required to pay for their treatment at the time of booking. All booking is done online at You will be emailed a receipt, which you can submit to your extended health care benefits provider. You will also be emailed a reminder of your appointment ahead of the date.

Frequency of Care Recommended

After your initial foot care appointment, it is recommended for most people that you have a maintenance treatment about every 6 weeks. For ToeFX, treatments are needed every 2 weeks for 6 months. After 6 months, treatment frequency varies depending on how effective the treatment has been for you so far. Many people only need a few more ‘preventative’ treatments at intervals much longer than 2 weeks.


Safety & Qualifications
  • Registered Nurse x 12+ years
  • Advanced Nursing Foot Care Training & Clinical with PEDEd
  • Member of CAFCN (Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses)
  • Ongoing Cultural Competency Training
  • Compliance with sterilization/hygiene standards set out by IPAC Canada
  • Certificate in photodisinfection from ToeFX

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